Direct link to Autopsy Evidence

The Museum is composed of four galleries and a library. Each gallery contains multiple exhibits, dealing with some aspect or incident of the Waco Holocaust with links to the evidence under discussion and cross-references to related or supporting material. 

At the end of each exhibit is a link to the next exhibit, enabling the visitor to proceed through the Museum in an orderly tour.

These are the five Galleries:

War The assault and siege of the Mt. Carmel Center near Waco, Texas 
Fire The final day, April 19, 1993
Death Examination of the crime scene and autopsies
Burial The combined efforts of government, media, and others
to hide the crimes and erase the truth from history
Library Additional material for further research

At the beginning of each Gallery is an introductory page summarizing the Gallery contents.  From there, a Directory provides a whirlwind tour of the Gallery exhibits and a pointer to the Catalog of Evidence, from which the hundreds of documents, photographs, autopsies, and news clippings may be accessed.

The Galleries are arranged in the chronology of events, but a visitor can tour the Museum in any order and may prefer to start with the Death Gallery, with evidence that has had little public disclosure.

A bird's eye view of the Museum layout is shown on the Site Map.